NAU School of Arts Visiting Lecture Series, Nov. 21, 2022
As part of the SoA Visiting Lecture Series on November 21, 2021 North Arizona University at the Performing and Fine Arts Building (37A) Room 316 (in-person) I presented a lecture to the class of my great friend Prof. Jaewook Lee. Please click on the image banner below for the Vimeo link to watch the lecture.
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Interview WITH THE INN BETWEEN, NOV. 7, 2022 EP. #23:
What Is Art? A Conversation With Henry Sanchez & Heather L. Johnson
Heather and I had the pleasure of staying at the Inn Between, a AirBnB, 5 cabin compound situated in the Texas Hill country across the street from Gardner State Park. We had the honor of being hosted and interviewed by Leah and Jake Guererro, the proprietors of the Inn Between. Heather and I became the 23rd interview they have completed with guest to the cabins.
Click on the image and icons below to watch or listen to the interview.
“Artists Henry G. Sanchez and Heather Johnson are joining us on today’s episode of The Inn Between. Leah and Henry went to grad school together and are having a mini reunion. Today’s episode challenges views on art and will force you to think about art in a whole new way. Henry’s art focuses on social justice and environmental concerns blended together and based in the East End of Houston. He also has a studio on the Bayou that dovetails off of a nonprofit that is building biking trails through the Bayou. Beyond only bike trails, Henry is pushing stewardship of the Bayou through art and natural sciences. Utilizing art in activism is a balance of the artist meeting activists where they are while also having the activists meet the artist where they are. Heather is best known for art project involving traveling alone on her motorcycle and creating an art project about wearing vulnerability on her sleeve. She took all the experiences she felt and allowed herself space to express that through multiple medias. Through all her trips, she gave away 47 pieces of artwork away. After COVID dampened travel plans, Heather has turned to the contrast of human comfort and land conservation and points out the contradictions in humanity vs. nature.” - Leah and Jake Guererro.
For more booking at the Inn Between click the link or the icon below.